Yola, fans!

This is the Ironic Cowboy, here to let you know about our exciting first wave of short films! My “pardners” over at Ironic Cowboy Productions are working hard to wrap up and deliver them as we speak! Or as you read that is. Or even more accurately, as I type.

 Our second short film, titled “Thriving Infatuation”, takes a classic HP Lovecraft tale and adds a modern spin in an attempt to make something timeless. Mark struggles with problems in his neighborhood, but becomes further alarmed when he notices his friend Jack acting very strangely shortly after Jack begins dating the mysterious Azenath! It’s like he’s not himself sometimes. Weird!

I’m also very proud of our third short film, “Diggers!” I’ve heard of the Pawn Stars and the American Pickers, but who are the Diggers you ask? Well, the Diggers are Jay and Tub, two guys with a real nose for business. These two travel around to the farthest reaches of sunny Orange County, digging through peoples’ trash cans in a search of valuable objects to sell. As Jay says, “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure. We are that another man!” And they’ve just stumbled onto their biggest find yet!

Closing out wave 1 is something completely different. “Paths” is a heartwarming look at how one man, with a little supernatural help, starts turning his lonely life around! And it’s nothing at all like “Paperman”! Really!

And of course, I’ve asked various “pardners” to write something for this website each week. Maybe Dan will post a tale of how they did a particularly complicated shot. Or Kevin will regale us with character back story for Jay and Tub! Or maybe Ken will tell us about the time he “broke wind” during a take. Classic Ken!

Be sure and check out our “Pictures” section for behind the scenes photos and even the occasional video. And follow us on twitter, facebook, google+, and youtube for updates, uploads, and exciting future announcements! I for one cannot wait to see what these guys come up with next!


-  The Ironic Cowboy

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